About the Book

During the past two years, the author—a social scientist and professor—crisscrossed the USA and Canada to discover what happiness meant to people. He had conversations with more than 500 people he met at random on the street. Each respondent answered a set of Five Big Questions centered on work, money, life, purpose, and happiness. The book features a sample of 50 of these interviews. With people just like you, and with people different from you. From all walks of life. From thirty states, fifty cities.

Their answers offer a fascinating widow into their views on life and work, their aspirations, and their sources of happiness. Some offer a worldview that will make your jaw drop; some offer deep wisdom without pretension. All offer food for thought. By presenting these as examples, the book invites you to write your own answers and to carve out your own personal path to happiness.

  .   A photo and prose (in light dose) for each interview makes for a breezy read

  .  Includes a worksheet to write and follow your own answers

  .   4-color print on glossy paper makes the book eye-pleasing to hold and peruse

  .  A coffee-table book format makes it a conversation piece around the table

  .   9.5x7.5.x0.68” 4-color print on gloss paper. 50 photos, 160 pages.

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